Hi Friends!
Pardon me for breaking my promise to write on manual malware removal from pen-drive. But the full forms that I am going to provide you now is very important for people like us(actually they were asked in a job interview!).
So let's get started:
#1. SEO: Searching Engine Optimization
#2. SEM: Searching Engine Marketing
#3. SMO: Social Media Optimization
#4. SEA: Searching Engine Advertising
#5. SMM: Social Media Marketing
#6. PPC: Pay Per Click
If you know some more, feel free to share it via the comments section.
Pardon me for breaking my promise to write on manual malware removal from pen-drive. But the full forms that I am going to provide you now is very important for people like us(actually they were asked in a job interview!).
So let's get started:
#1. SEO: Searching Engine Optimization
#2. SEM: Searching Engine Marketing
#3. SMO: Social Media Optimization
#4. SEA: Searching Engine Advertising
#5. SMM: Social Media Marketing
#6. PPC: Pay Per Click
If you know some more, feel free to share it via the comments section.