Saturday, 13 June 2015

Find Out Publishing Date Of Any Article

Hi Friends!

Hope you all are doing good. It took some time for me to write here as my schedule had become quite hectic in the last few months.

During my previous endeavours, I had to do a lot of secondary research. But you all know that, if you have to read 60+ articles, easiest way to filter the results while Googling!

But many a times, Google does not show the published date of the articles and because even the article does not have any date mentioned on it, you are uncertain about the age of the article.

So, I share two methods of achieving this:

Method 1:

I thank my friend Shashank for helping me in this. So here it goes:

#1: Suppose, I am searching for pdf on literacy rates, so my original search will be something like:
                                                          informat: pdf literacy rate

[and the address bar will be like this:]

Now the trick lies in passing one more parameter in the query string [what ever is after ? in URL is known as query string, its a key-value pair and one of the easiest way to pass values between pages]

So we will add &as_qdr=y15 to the query string and now the query string will look like

Method 2:

Open Internet Archive Wayback Machine, [URL:]

Paste the URL in the box and Voila you can track the history of the article since the beginning of time!

Happy Searching!


If you know any other method, please share it with me on the comments section.